Breonna Taylor’s murderer was fired from the Louisville PD in January of 2021 after a grand jury failed to convict him and two other Louisville cops for her death. But the department did have to pay out $2 million to settle lawsuits filed by Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who was also shot by the same pigs, but survived.
As reported by The Guardian on Monday, 25 April 2023:
And last month, a federal justice department investigation prompted by Taylor’s killing found that Louisville police engaged in unlawful practices that breached locals’ civil rights while discriminating against both Black people as well as people with behavioral health deficiencies.
Capitalism CANNOT be reformed into justice or sustainability.
The US is a Plantation Nation.
Who & What Do US Police Protect?
US cops protect private property (factories, businesses, massive farms, etc) and its owners. US police departments literally descended from runaway slave patrols and Pinkertons. They have the same missions today. This is why killer cops so frequently avoid accountability and get to continue being cops. Even if they get fired, how many times have we seen killer cops get hired and rehired by police departments? It’s not as though this is the first time or even unusual.
It’s the same shit with criminal clergy members who groom and abuse children, then get protected by their religious organizations – sometimes they just move them to another location. By the way, 33 states in the US have loopholes for clergy to avoid mandatory reporting laws regarding child sex abuse, and churches are fighting to keep those in place. The criminal abuser is protected, not their victims.
In both cases, they keep getting away unpunished, unaccountable, and free to continue committing crimes against “the little people,” all while demanding reverence for their professions. And even if you’re white and feel pretty secure that you can sic the police on anyone bothering you, don’t forget, the Supreme Court Of The United States has repeatedly ruled that US police are NOT duty-bound to serve and protect the public. So keep that in mind when you think about your kids in school, for instance.
What Kind Of System Allows These Things To Keep Happening?
Capitalism is the socioeconomics of white supremacy and its framework of settler-colonialism, which includes: racism, human trafficking, bigotry, slavery, rape culture, genocide, war, plunder, ableism, jingoism, poverty, xenophobia, misogyny, dehumanization, eugenics, ecosystem exploitation, theft of resources from the Global South and future generations, and many more horrors.
Are you anti-racist and class-conscious yet? Cops, churches and clergy in the US play a role in the Class War – protecting the Capitalist Ruling Class (CRC) from the rest of us. Systemic racism is real and a necessary component for Capitalism to function.
These are irredeemable systems of governance because they ultimately serve Capital and its owners, instead of everyone. They must be abolished and replaced by a system that serve all of us on our shared planet. What role are you playing in bringing this to reality in the US?