You can say radical things about what you’d do in office if you already have a plan not to make it there. These types simply comply with the duopoly’s wishes and drop out of the race at an agreed-upon time. So, my guess? He’ll gas up his supporters just like Bernie Sanders did, endorse the CRC approved candidate, and tell his disappointed followers to vote for them. We’ve seen this show already so many times, with different cast members playing the roles, our entire lives. It’s the same basic formula, a repeating pattern.
Frankly, it’s maddening watch it replay every election cycle, knowing that most people I know, and most of the US population, will fall for the same tricks again. I want to help them see how we’re being lied to, abused, and manipulated by the US ruling class, regardless of which side of the duopoly one aligns themselves with, or if they’ve rejected both parties.
All of the divisions we have in our society serve the interests of the Capitalist Ruling Class – the owners of most everything, including Wall Street, BigAg, Silicon Valley, banks, massive financial networks, Pharma industry, factories, landlords, most US media, and our governments at all levels from local to federal. Why? Because by keeping the masses of working class people at each other’s throats, it shields the people at the top causing all our miseries: the CRC.
If they didn’t have one of their own climb down the pyramid a rung or two to play the role of “person of the people,” – who’s supposedly betraying their own class interests to promise radical sounding policy ideas that appeal to independent voters – then they’d have to do something else, in addition to what they already do: ratfuck gerrymandering, redlining, ballot access laws, sore loser laws, voter intimidation, suppression, voter ID laws, and more.
Besides, people keep falling for it, so why should they give up a proven formula when it’s still effective enough to justify the costs of doing it? The campaign contributions that the CRC makes are a tiny portion of their hoarded wealth and are basically insurance toward holding onto their power. When candidates are only taking small donor contributions, under the guise of not being bought by corporations, it’s mostly coming out of the pockets of the working class.
RFK Jr’s personal views on vaccines, US wars and war crimes can all stray from the official duopoly stances, because they already know he’s not the CRC-chosen candidate, and won’t make it into office.
His support of the CIA can seem strange, because the agency was part of the conspiracy that planned, funded, executed and covered up the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy. He’s been talking about it the last day or so, too.
The CIA are also alleged to have played a role in his own father’s assassination.
So he’s blaming just the so-called bad apples at the CIA, while acknowledging the majority of those working there as “good, patriotic people.”
Good patriotic people who agree to protect that agency above all else, even the presidency, knowing it’s played a role in other assassinations (and failed attempts), torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity, sex crimes against children, regime change, drug trafficking, domestic and foreign. They know when they take the job that they may have to be witness to or participant in any of the aforementioned atrocities, and some of them are said to savor the opportunity.
But hey, I get it, he knows enough about his own vulnerability to the agency to not badmouth the system that keeps getting away with murders, singular and en masse, decade after decade. It was established as an Anti-Communist, Anti-USSR espionage agency and their first employees were all the Nazi spies on the Eastern Front who’d performed intel work for Hitler. Later, in 1956, the same network became the BND – the federal intelligence agency of West Germany. So a family as well connected as Robert F Kennedy Jr’s is aware of all this. He can’t risk being any real threat to the Capitalist Ruling Class. He’s part of it, even if playing a smaller role.
He’s not as wealthy as recently coronated King Charles III ($2.9B) at $50 million, but with most people in the US living payday to payday, many not making it, some without safety nets, and price gouging by the CRC on basic human needs: housing, food, clean water, transportation, education, healthcare, insurance – I’m pretty sure most of us look at $50 million USD as a considerable sum of money. And that’s generational wealth – plus a powerful family.
How can he possibly, genuinely relate to most working class people? He lives further up the Capitalist Pyramid by at least a layer or three than most of the US. Like I said, they send one of their own as the people’s candidate, and have them say everything the data science discovers the demographic they’re targeting responds favorably to; he’s playing the “Independent” or “Outsider” role that Bernie Sanders has also played in recent elections.
Sometimes Conservative Independent people’s candidates happen too, but knowing it’s a role they’ll play in exchange for some appointment in the presumed elected administration, or maybe in exchange for things the administration can do for them and their businesses. Just like the Liberal Independent candidates often do.
The patterns are gonna keep repeating; hopefully we’ll help more people to see how the CRC system is designed to protect itself from the masses this round of elections. Be ready for new rounds of McCarthyist tactics as more people become class-conscious and begin asking “who benefits?” about everything they see, hear, do, just in order to get through their daily lives.
So ask yourself, “who ultimately benefits from my support for an outlier candidate that tells me to vote for the establishment candidate after they drop out of the race?”
Start asking it about everything. Ask yourself, “does this primarily benefit the working class, or the owning class?” Be radically honest with yourself about it.
There’s a better way of life for us all, and the CRC is doing everything they can to keep it from happening. Becoming aware of the class war will make their tactics easier to identify and respond to in an informed manner.
I’ll write more about Cui Bono in a future post.